What is Health & Wellness Coaching?
Health & Wellness Coaching is a confidential partnership between you and a Health Coach with the objective of assisting you to achieve your personal wellness goals. Health Coaching utilizes effective behavioral principles to assist you to make lifestyle changes.
What is a Wellness Coach?
Health and Wellness Coaches are trained professional members of the health care system. Their
areas of expertise may include nutrition, exercise, weight management, stress/anxiety, chronic
condition management, sleep issues and smoking cessation. Health and Wellness Coaches assist
you with making behavioral health changes that lead to improved vitality and well-being.
Working together with your Health and Wellness Coach, you will develop personalized strategies,
action plans and health-enhancing behaviors that address areas of most importance to you.
Whether your vision for better health means running your first 5K or finding calm in a hectic
lifestyle, each action plan is personalized together with your Health and Wellness Coach based
on your priorities. Your confidential health coaching sessions are conducted face-to-face or
telephonically or a combination of both.
A Health and Wellness Coach’s support, education, accountability, encouragement, and their
positive approach to identifying your strengths and motivation helps you reach a level of
wellness that can be life-changing.
What happens at a Wellness Coach session?
The process of the coaching session is based entirely on the goal that you are interested in setting. The Wellness Coach’s priority is to facilitate a discussion to understand the reason that you chose to come to the session, the obstacles that are stopping you from achieving a desired goal, and mapping out a plan to be able to achieve that goal in a healthy way. A Wellness Coach may ask you to explain your goals, talk about different areas of your life to develop “the big picture”, and will guide the conversation to set goals around the desired health changes.
Who needs a Wellness Coach?
Everyone, no matter their current health status, has the desire to feel happy with their body, to have the energy to perform daily tasks and hobbies, and to enjoy an overall feeling of well-being and happiness. Having a partner on the journey to being healthy and well can provide a system of support and advice where needed.
What brings clients to Wellness Coaching?

Our corporate client may wish to offer their employees a wellness benefit. The individual employee may desire to work with a Wellness Coach for a variety of reasons and is based on your personal health goals. Here are some possible reasons that an individual may choose to work with a Wellness coach:
1) Quick fixes don’t seem to have lasting affects and individuals may get to a point where they want to be in control of their own wellness process
2) Wellness is so much more than just losing weight and the mental and physical process can be a lot easier with someone on your team
3) Confidence in being able to reach health goals can be intimidating and working with someone else and getting advice where needed can be really helpful in the process.
To learn more about individual coaching or corporate coaching contact Joanne Sargent RN - joanne@sargentandassociates.com or call 978-256-7459